Jet Assist Selected as CAAs Preferred FBO in Belfast

Jet Assist, the Belfast International based FBO, is delighted to be selected by the Corporate Aircraft Association (CAA) as their preferred Ground Handling and Fuel Partner at EGAA I BFS. With this selection, Jet Assist becomes the second FBO in Europe awarded preferred status by CAA. CAA members considered fuel price, handling fees and service when voting for Jet Assist.
David Hull, Business Development at Jet Assist (Aviation) said “Jet Assist has seen a steady growth over the last three years and receiving the support of CAA membership, validates our customer centric approach to meeting the operational needs of business aviation at Belfast International Airport.
“We handle qualifying tech stops on the demarcated ramp ensuring smooth turnarounds and Jet Assist are the only company in Ireland with inhouse security screening. We also manage organ donor and organ transplant teams for UK hospitals which means we are always contactable 24/7 with immediate response.”
Bob Bordes, President of Corporate Aircraft Association (CAA) said “I am happy to welcome Jet Assist in Belfast, N. Ireland into the CAA Preferred network. Belfast becomes the second CAA FBO in Europe and is strategically located to serve our members as they traverse the Atlantic. Jet Assist in Belfast represents a continuing growth of the CAA network outside of the Western Hemisphere. We wish them the best and hope our members consider them on their next trip to Europe.”
Belfast International (EGAA) and Jet Assist provide a strategic and cost-effective option as the preferred Tech Stop solution for all operators crossing the Atlantic. Belfast International, open 24 hours daily, offers customs, a 9,121ft main runway and optional crosswind runways.
Both Jet Assist and CAA will be exhibiting at the upcoming Schedulers and Dispatchers conference in Charlotte North Carolina from the 10th to 13TH March 2020 why not call by their booths Jet Assist – 1920 CAA – 226